Consciousness is the clay

Consciousness is the clay, the substance with which we make our lives.

Join us to discover how to use AFT: Attractor Field Techniques for your self-care.

What is AFT?

AFT is the Attractor Field Techniques.  In 2005 I became an AFT Practitioner after training with the founder of AFT, Dr. R.K. Ebert. This is the system I use to show my clients how to cleanse and elevate their consciousness.

AFT is dedicated to helping people to eliminate their own suffering. Also to help people reach higher states of consciousness with access to increasing happiness, resilience, and eventually enlightenment.

AFT is Soul Medicine
AFT is supreme self-care
AFT is a gift for our times
AFT is safe, non-invasive, fast and simple to use
AFT is a new way to work with the energies that make the body work
AFT is a new way of using the ancient Chinese discovery of the meridian energy system

AFT is an energetic and spiritual approach that can be used to work with:

  • Physical Illness
  • Pain Disorders
  • Emotional Problems
  • Spiritual Development and Self-Actualization

It helps to see your mind-body-soul as a whole system, an information processing system that processes what we eat, breathe, drink, think and feel.  Think of your body as a communication device, as “clothing for your consciousness.”

Albert Einstein said, “The Field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”

AFT begins with the understanding that we are already divine enlightened beings but for a variety of reasons we have limited and limiting beliefs that cover up our own enlightened divinity. This is a beautiful system which will transform your life beautifully.

“The context from which AFT springs is that illness results from our
thoughts becoming manifest. The body and mind are one, the same thing.
The body itself is just a “slow” reflection of the energy of our mind.”
R.K. Ebert, PhD Founder of AFT
