“Just Be Glad” by Christian D. Larson “All things respond to the call of rejoicing; all things gather where life is a song. This is the message of the new order, the new life and the new time. It is the golden text of the great gospel of human sunshine. It is the central truth […]
Switching of the Brain
Learn to De-Switch & Teach Others “We all have an invisible enemy bombarding us from all sides today. We are under pressure from this invisible factor, and we suffer from the phenomenon “Switching of the Brain” without knowing.” Dr. Doepp www.deswitch.com Photo by Raman Oza on Pixabay
The Consciousness of The Christ
The Consciousness of the Christ The Jesus of our Highest Potential A Review of The Consciousness of The Christ: Reclaiming Jesus For a New Humanity by Pam Moriarty, Maine Well-Being Magazine You know from the very beginning that “The Consciousness of The Christ: Reclaiming Jesus For a New Humanity” is a documentary on the life […]
The Real You. Who Are You, Really?
Who are you really? An amazing lecture given by Alan Watts a British philosopher, writer, and speaker. Speech extract from “Does it do you, or do you do it” by Alan Watts, courtesy of alanwatts.org “Know Thyself” Who Are You, Really? Do We Have A Crisis of Identity to “Know Thyself”? Who are You, really? […]
Bring Your Dreams To Life!
In The Universe is a Dream Machine, Lin Oliver has captured the essence of the sages: no action, thought, or feeling goes unnoticed in the universe. The rules of the universe are quite simple: what manifests in our world of experience is what we believe to be true. This is the true Law of Attraction. […]