Elevate Your

180 Degree You Turn!

Your life experience is a reflection of your inner world, your consciousness. Life is to be lived from the inside out, when you know this, everything changes.

Start with Soul Medicine

Start with Soul Medicine for self-care, self-love and success. Are you dancing with the Universe to the music of your soul, or dancing with your shadow?

Bring Your Dreams To Life!

Life is calling us to bring our dreams to Life, to act on our highest inspirations and “show up” with solutions to the problems we perceive in our world.

What is Luminous Living?

Luminous Living is authentic empowerment and true Self expression. What lights You up? Let your light shine and Be Luminous.
When we change, we change the world.

Your Luminous Life

We live in a conscious universe where Life is consciousness made visible, think of your body as clothing for your consciousness. Your Luminous Life awaits you.

Dream Machine

The Universe Is A Dream Machine but sometimes we don't believe it, that's why our dreams can't come true. What a beautiful gift: "What you Believe is what you get."

Raising Consciousness

Levels of Consciousness

The Consciousness (R)evolution is personal, it’s happening inside of You right now, not “out there” somewhere.

“All of the great teachers throughout the history of our species
have merely taught one thing, over and over,
in whatever language, at whatever time.
All have said, simply:
Give up weak attractors for strong attractors.”

Dr. David Hawkins “Power vs Force” p157

One solution. Raise consciousness by giving up weak attractors for strong attractors.

Are you thinking, how do I do that?  The solution I would like to share is AFT, The Attractor Field Techniques.

AFT is dedicated to helping people to eliminate their own suffering and reach higher states of consciousness with access to increasing resilience, resourcefulness, happiness, and eventually enlightenment.

AFT is an energetic and spiritual approach that can be used to work with:

  • Physical Illness
  • Pain Disorders
  • Emotional Problems
  • Spiritual Development and Self-Actualization

AFT is a new way of using the ancient Chinese discovery of the meridian energy system.  Acupuncture  Meridians can be stimulated in many ways, AFT uses tapping. There is nothing else like it, AFT is extraordinarily effective and simple to use. We work with the energies that make the body work, we do nothing with or to the body. It is not possible to harm yourself or another using AFT.

The meridian system is the portal to the energetic processes that direct our body’s development and control and coordinate the body’s functioning. The acupuncture points are part of an energetic signaling system, they are singularity points: the interface between the seen and unseen in the universe. There are over 450 acupoints on the body, although AFT uses only 23.

“Failure, suffering, and eventual sickness result from the influence of weak patterns;
in contrast, success, happiness, and health proceed from powerful attractor patterns.”
Dr. David Hawkins “Power vs Force” p 161

AFT: The Attractor Field Techniques is an independent outgrowth of the seminal work of David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D.  Power vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, An Anatomy of Consciousness

Visit www.quantum-wellness.com to learn more about AFT and a quantum approach to wellness.

Our Projects

Client: The Universe is a Dream Machine

Skills: Bring Your Dreams To Life!

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This is designed to be a handbook for freedom to allow you to express your true self, to let your light shine and be luminous. The Universe Is A Dream Machine but sometimes we don't believe it, that's why our dreams can't come true. What a beautiful gift: "What you Believe is what you get."

I believe we are living in the midst of a universal love story. It's time to awaken to the possibilities for self-development, prosperity and the achievement of joy and happiness. Are you aware of the powerful gift you have been given: the creative power within your mind?

Client: Quantum Wellness

Skills: Solutions to THRIVE!

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Quantum Wellness is a holistic approach for you to love your whole life and THRIVE! This includes empowerment and consciousness coaching for your self-care and self-advocacy, stress relief, soul medicine, energy psychology or meridian tapping, belief change and epigenetics.

Our world is consciousness made visible but we do not yet fully understand the world we live in.

In a world where nothing is solid we need a new approach to THRIVE!

Client: Luminous Living Academy

Skills: Self-realization, prosperity, joy and happiness.

View Project →

The Art of Luminous Living is a Practical Path for Personal Evolution, Empowerment and Enlightenment. Discover your inner strength, courage and authentic empowerment to awaken, express your true Self and Be luminous.

Your were born to bring your dreams to Life, the dreams given to you by Life as your highest inspiration.

Discover how to harness the power of inner technology to bring your dreams to Life.


  • Lin Oliver is truly a gift to the holistic community. Her passion alone for the highest good of all is unmatched in my experience. Add to that an incredible store of computer, technical and marketing knowledge. For those seeking direction in their business I highly recommend Lin's services. She truly shares in the joy of your success.

    C. Danielis
  • Your Luminous Living course is an amazing resource. As I continue to study and apply the tools you teach, I have experienced a shift in my life energy. This is some of the best energy healing material I have ever studied. Thank You.

    J. Gardner
  • Thank you for being a wonderful facilitator/Teacher on such a huge, complex modality. I so appreciated how you read our body language and guided us through what we need to be doing… jumping off the diving board. Your years of training and simplifying this complex stuff will be so useful to your clients, in a world that is information overload. Thank you too for the little “gratitude” book. First entry will be Lin Oliver’s Luminous Living!! Abundant blessings.

    J. Neill
  • Lin Oliver was an exceptional source of support, knowledge, creative ideas and patience as I worked on launching my website. I recommend Lin's services as she offers an amazing blend of technical savvy combined with in-depth wisdom on people empowerment and mind-body-spirit wellness.

  • Thank you for your workshop. You are so good at it – You were born for it!!!

    K. Gabriel
  • AFT is so simple but extremely powerful and life changing. I highly recommend Lin because of her skill, the benefits that AFT can offer and the amazing services that she provides.

    K. Riley RPh, BScPhm, Pharm D, BCPS, BCGP, BCACP, CDE


In a world where nothing is solid we need a new approach to build a world that works for all to THRIVE!


Life is calling us to be who we were born to be, to bring our dreams to Life to act on our highest inspirations and “show up” with the solutions to the problems we perceive in our world. To grow, develop, evolve and deliver the gifts that we were born to contribute.


The Luminous Living Academy provides programs for these transformational times to elevate our consciousness and transform limiting beliefs. Our signature program is The Art of Luminous Living: A Practical Path for Personal Empowerment, Evolution and Enlightenment.


Discover your inner strength, courage and authentic empowerment to awaken, express your true Self and Be luminous. We live in a conscious universe where life is consciousness made visible, think of your body as clothing for your consciousness.


The Consciousness (R)evolution is personal, it's happening inside of You right now, not “out there” somewhere.

We are at the dawn of a paradigm shift to the Primacy of Consciousness.

Until science can agree on a solution to the hard problem of consciousness, it is up to each and every one of us to awaken and make up our own mind. As Albert Einstein said, “The Field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”

“The Field” is the ocean of consciousness that we are contributing to every moment of every day with our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes… it’s our consciousness, our personal energy broadcast. Think of your body as a communication device and clothing for your consciousness.

Your life experience in the outer world is a reflection of your inner world, your consciousness.

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Linda Oliver, more than twenty years ago I began a personal quest to find an answer to this question:

If love IS the answer, why is there so much suffering?

At that time two people I love very much were suffering, in excruciating pain in two different countries and I desperately wanted to help both of them but felt helpless and thus began my search for solutions. 

After many years of “connecting-the-dots” I published my book, The Universe is a Dream Machine but sometimes we don’t believe it, that’s why our dreams can’t come true, launched the Luminous Living Academy and created this site to share the answers and solutions I discovered. 

Yes! Love is the answer!

Our world is universal love made visible but we do not yet fully understand the world we live in.

We are the ones making the choice for love or annihilation, and everything in between with our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes… moment, by moment, by moment.  It’s our consciousness, think of it as our human operating system. 

Every loving thought is a transforming influence and life enhancing, every negative thought is life depleting.

I believe we are here to awaken to the possibilities for personal development; to grow, develop, evolve and in the process share the unique genius, gifts, skills and talents we have been given to share and make our world better place.

What makes You come alive? Share that. If every person has the opportunity to bring their dreams to life, we could transform our world.

All of my life I have been aware of Weltschmerz or world-pain so it was no surprise that when I began my training to become an Attractor Field Techniques Practitioner in 2005 I discovered that my highest channel of stress was Grief. The ability to neutralize the Attractor Field of Grief and experience the larger body of work of the AFT: Attractor Field Techniques has transformed my life. Since then I have been on a mission to share AFT with the world.”
Linda Oliver, Consciousness Coach

Consciousness Pioneers

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Psychiatrist, Physician, Spiritual Teacher

    The Map of Consciousness incorporates findings from quantum physics and nonlinear dynamics, thereby confirming the classical "stages" of spiritual evolution found in the world’s sacred literature as actual Attractor Fields. "All of the great teachers throughout the history of our species have merely taught one thing, over and over, in whatever language, at whatever time. All have said, simply: Give up weak attractors for strong attractors.” The "Map of Consciousness" was published in Dr. Hawkins book "Power Vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior: An Anatomy of Consciousness."

    Marianne Williamson

    Marianne Williamson

    Spiritual Author & Lecturer

      "There is a revolution occurring in the world today, but it is not fought with armies and it does not aim to kill. It is a revolution of consciousness. This revolution is to the 21st century what the Scientific Revolution was to the 20th. The Scientific Revolution revealed objective, discernible laws of external phenomena and applied those laws to the material world. The Consciousness Revolution reveals objective, discernible laws of internal phenomena and applies them to the world as well. We need to heal our thinking, in order to heal our world... a revolution in consciousness is our greatest hope for the future of the world."

      Kurt Ebert, Ph.D.

      Kurt Ebert, Ph.D.

      Neuropsychologist, Founder of AFT

        "We need a new paradigm, one that promotes independence and self sufficiency, rather than fear, despair, apathy and poverty. We have been misled since the time of Newton. We have all accepted the mistaken idea that cause can be found in the material universe. We have been looking in the wrong place. Drawing on Dr. Hawkins' original findings and methodology, meridian energy altering formulas have been developed which allow for the elimination of the energy fields which are at the source of Man's mental and physical disorders. For the first time in Man's history, we have the tools at our disposal to keep at bay the unseen forces that rule our existence."

        Jude Currivan, Ph.D.

        Jude Currivan, Ph.D.

        Cosmologist, Planetary Healer, Futurist

          "Our understanding of the Universe is about to transform at all levels, from the tiniest Planck scale to the vast reaches of space. Recent scientific discoveries show that the information that upholds all of our modern technologies is exactly the same as the universal in-formation that underpins, pervades, and is all we call physical reality."

          Peter Russell, PH.D.

          Peter Russell, PH.D.

          Physicist, Psychologist, Philosopher

            In the book, "The Consciousness Revolution" Peter Russell puts it like this: "Each little bit counts we are all part of the same ground-swell. The most important question we need to ask is how can I put my own life in greater alignment with that ground-swell? How can I do my little one-hundred-thousandth worth to facilitate that shift a bit further?"

            Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

            Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

            Author, Jungian Analyst, Activist

              "The millionth circle" refers to the circle whose formation tips the scales and shifts planetary consciousness. The phrase comes from Jean Shinoda Bolen's book The Millionth Circle: How to Change Ourselves and The World, which in turn was inspired by "the hundredth monkey."

              From Our Blog

              The Quantum Soul

              "The question of "What is consciousness?" will revolutionize science as we know it. And it very much already has. A…

              Sacred Geometry

              The above introduction to Sacred Geometry is by Scott Onstott, co-founder along with Geoff Fitzpatrick of The Sacred Geometry Academy.…


              Quantum Leaps in Well-Being

              Will you join us on Thursday at 1PM EST to explore Quantum Worldview, Wellness and Well-Being? Click here to reserve…


              Thank You for BEing here!

              This is a momentous time to be alive on Planet Earth.

              Please visit the Luminous Living Academy to discover programs to elevate your consciousness.

              with love and gratitude,
              Linda Oliver